Eyes Wide Open by Ted Dekker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Christy Snow is stuck in a hole under a room full of coffins and believes she is about to die. She was using her phone as a flashlight and now only has enough juice to make a short call and is not able to leave enough information. In an unexpected turn of events, she is able to get out and stumbles into the psychiatric ward of the hospital. The staff believes she is delusional and will not let her leave. To make matters worse, the boy she calls for help arrives to give assistance and becomes confined also. What is the truth? Before she fell in the hole or now? The memories seem real, but she can’t remember her early childhood either. Can they both be having a shared delusion?
Eyes Wide Open is a compilation of four short novellas released earlier in 2013. The high intensity story line and heart palpating events will cause the reader to devour each novella in one sitting, or if the reader can’t control himself, they may find an afternoon wiled away with this great book. This is a Christian thriller that leaves no guesswork at the end. The reader will understand what Dekker was pushing toward and hopefully will think long a hard about how we and the world see us. As a reader I feel there will be a connection between this book and others to come. ** Sits with fingers crossed **
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