Burn Out by Kristi Helvig
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Tora Reynolds is alone. She has survived the end of Earth and needs to find a way to escape the planet. Her mother and sister have burned to death, her father has been murdered and all plants and animals are dead. She begins to think she will go the way of everything else when Plan A (Markus) arrives. Markus left to look for a rumored colony, and when he returns Tora believes he is there for her. It turns out he is there for the guns her scientist father created. Luckily for her, they are bio-energetic weapons and can only be used by her. Can Tora trust Markus and the mercenaries with him? Her father made her promise never to let the guns go, can she keep that promise?
Burn Out is an action packed adventure of high-tech proportions. Although the events take place on a future Earth, readers will quickly be brought up to speed concerning the pertinent scientific and military events that have taken place. Helvig’s debut novel has the requisite amount of futuristic technology and events to firmly land in the science fiction genre, but it also will pull in readers of post-apocalyptic adventures and throws in a little romance along the side. My biggest complaint is the book was too short. I guess that just goes to show that I will be looking for the next book in this series.
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