Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Review: Fairies and Frosting

Fairies and Frosting Fairies and Frosting by Christina Bauer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Elle and Alec are back together but they have new troubles on the horizon.  Alec’s business is losing money and may go bankrupt.  What do they do?  They craft a scheme that is meant to rescue Le Charme.  Of course, nothing goes smoothly with these two and the Unseelie are at it again.  Not only do they want to destroy Elle, but they also want to destroy Alec and his gemstone empire.    Will Elle and Alec be able to save what they love?  Will the Glass Slipper Festival take place or will it need to be sacrificed?


Fairies and Frosting is the sixth book in the Fairy Tales of the Magicorum series.  This fantasy novella is quick to read and readers will need to pay attention.  Bauer has filled the pages with twists and turns and I found myself rereading sections because I thought I missed something (and I was right).  These characters are fun to lose ourselves with and the next novel is already in progress.  This is a fun escape read and should be enjoyed before moving on to your next book.

View all my reviews

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