My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Alex is the most powerful bruja that has been born in recent generations, yet she hates to use magic and would love to give it up. It is time for her Deathday celebration where she will come into her power, but she tries to perform a spell to remove her power and sends all her family into another realm. Alex is now stuck with a brujo boy named Nova. She knows she can’t trust him, but he is the only link to magic she has to work with. Nova and Alex go to Los Lagos, an in-between realm, where their goal is get her family back to the living realm.
Labyrinth Lost is the first book in the Brooklyn Brujas series. The overall story is not extremely complex and readers will enjoy the magical storyline based on South American legends. Córdova’s characters are varied, but not too deep. In the end, I found the tale passably good, but not a drop everything to finish novel. This would make a good in-between book after finishing a longer or tougher novel.
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