Sunday, May 12, 2024

Review: When Among Crows

When Among Crows When Among Crows by Veronica Roth
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Dymitr is a killer … of monsters.  This is such a part of who he is, he had to split his soul to make a sword … out of his spine!  Ala has inherited her mother’s curse.  This curse will kill her too, if she isn’t able to break it.  When Dymitr offers Ala a chance at a cure, she accepts without knowing what she is getting into.  With such a time crunch on the possible cure, will they be able to complete both tasks in time? 

When Among Crows is a stand-alone urban fantasy that sounds amazing but does not follow through.  I even restarted the book thinking that my mind must have wandered too much and the second time through was just as painful.  I’m sure there will be readers who love this story, but I found the tale flat and lifeless.  I won’t give up on Roth as a writer, but this is not one of her best.

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