Saturday, May 18, 2024

Review: The Girl in Question

The Girl in Question The Girl in Question by Tess Sharpe
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Nora is finally out of high school, and she should be looking forward to the next stage of her life, but since her stepdad is free and wants revenge, it is hard to concentrate on the future.  She decides that a 10-day hiking trip is needed.  A wrench is thrown in right away when Wes’s girlfriend comes along.  That wasn’t in the plans, and neither was Amanda getting kidnapped.  How did Raymond know where they would be?  Why was Amanda taken?  What secrets are being kept?

The Girl in Question is the sequel to The Girls I’ve Been.  The first book ended with a satisfying ending, but for those who wanted to know what happened next … this book will give you the answers.  There are some crazy timeline issues with all the flashbacks, but that was the same as the original and if you enjoyed that book, you would also enjoy this book.  The Girl in Question is a must-read for everyone who loved The Girls I’ve Been.

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