My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Raim is still under exile for breaking a vow, even though he does not know what the actual vow was about. Unfortunately, that is the least of his worries. Raim’s ex-best friend is now the Khan and he is pursuing darker and more sinister conquests. Raim is slowly learning more about his powers, but he will not be able to stop Khareh unless he wishes to also break the ultimate rule. It seems that Wadi could figure out a way to escape on her own, but as she gets to know Khareh better and learns about the Southern king looking to invade the north, the question becomes who to fight. Will the Northern tribes be able to overcome their differences in order to fight against this Southern foe? Everyone knows the key to the desert is Lazar, but who will control it in the end?
The Shadow’s Curse is the second book in The Knots Sequence. Events in this story pick up shortly after the conclusion of the first book and readers are quickly swept into the next series of events. Things that occurred in the background of the last book are brought to light as characters that were separated for long periods are reunited and confide in each other. Pages will turn in time to the reader’s heartbeat as the tension builds and the question of survival continues to shake. One view on Goodreads calls this a Duology and another view calls it a Sequence, yet I believe it is safe to say that McCulloch’s world will be available for additional stories if she wishes, but she has completed this first quest with a resolution most readers can accept.
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