Camelot Burning by Kathryn Rose
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Vivienne has a secret. The entire court knows her as Guinevere’s lady-in-waiting, yet she is also Merlin’s apprentice. She is not only highly skilled in alchemy, but in the mechanical arts also. She would rather work with Merlin then serve Guinevere, but family obligations will not permit that. Although she would like nothing better than to leave Camelot and escape her destiny at court, everything is thrown into chaos when King Arthur’s sister, Morgan le Fay, returns to Camelot and promises destruction. Can Vivienne and Merlin create the weapon that will stop Morgan le Fay? Will personal distractions hinder Vivienne’s progress?
Camelot Burning is the first book in the new Metal & Lace series. I chose this book since it includes two of my favorites (Camelot and Steampunk). The story itself was enjoyable and I don’t regret spending the time in its pages, but overall it was just OK. Many times I found my mind wandering and had to stop and refocus myself before moving on. Die hard Camelot and Steampunk fans will most likely enjoy this book, but this should not be an individual’s introduction to either.
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