Bewitched in Oz by Laura J. Burns
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Zerie has been told to hide her magic. It is against the law for any of the common people to practice magic. If they are caught, the magic is taken from them and in the process some of their memories disappear also. Zerie and her two closest friends all have magic and are secretly practicing with each other. When a flying monkey takes away one of the girls, Zerie and two companions set out to find Glinda the Good. They have been told that she is the only one who can help them against the Princess Ozma.
Bewitched in Oz is the first book in what is clearly a new series. Some of the world will be familiar with readers of the original Oz series, yet the events in this book takes place many years after Dorothy’s adventures. The overall story is shallow, yet the twist at the end was unexpected and causes me to consider looking for the next book in the series. Bums does not create too many characters and the few main characters learn truths about themselves and those around them in a predictable sequence. This is being promoted as a children’s book and will probably be too simple for teens to get into. Middle school students looking for an escape read will find this a possibility.
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