Shadowfell by Juliet Marillier
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Neryn has been on the run for several years. Now she has been sold away from her father and must attempt to journey to the mysterious Shadowfell where a group of rebels are working to overthrow their tyrant king. Neryn has a canny gift which allows her to see and hear the Good Folk and that only leaves two options if captured: 1. she is killed to keep her from using her gift or 2. she is forced to use her gift to help King Keldic. During dangerous travels through the land of Alban she is assisted by the Good Folk and is told that she may be the person who will rescue Alban from its dominating king. In order to realize all of her gifts, she must pass a series of tests that only the Good Folk can name.
Shadowfell is a wonderful fantasy novel with a strong female protagonist. The reader will discover insights into Neryn's abilities and wonder along with her if she can trust those she meets along the way. If Goodreads permitted 1/2 stars I would have given this 3.5 stars. I loved the book and look forward to reading the second novel, but I felt some portions of the story were only there to make the book longer.
The second book in the series is called Raven Flight and will be released July 2013:

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