My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Serilda loves to tell stories. This has become such a natural part of who
she is, sometimes she can’t help herself.
She has been warned that it will get her in trouble someday and that day
has arrived. To help some girls in need,
Serilda tells a tale to the Erlking and his hunting party. She thinks she is lucky, until the next full
moon when she is captured and taken to the Erlking’s castle. He commands her to spin straw into gold … or
lose her life. Serilda thinks her life
has reached its end until a boy appears and offers to help her … if she can
pay. Serilda makes it out alive, but is
her time in the castle over? What will
she learn about herself and her ability to tell tales?
Gilded is the first book in a new fantasy series. This is a fairytale retelling, so there is
some predictability in the story, yet Meyer has taken a well-known and beloved
classic and made it relatable to a teenage audience. This book is listed as part of a series (on
Goodreads), yet the series title is still listed as “Untitled.” When I got to the end of the book I could see
why the story could be continued, but it may also be setting up for companion
stories too. I am excited and look
forward to more books in this newest fantasy world.
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