My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Naya and Yana used to be best friends, but that ended a long time ago. They are thrown back together when both are accepted into a special group for Yatesville High’s best graduates. There are many perks to being in this group; the first is a trip to Bermuda. Everyone had to turn in their phones before joining the group on the yacht and that becomes a huge issue when one of their classmates is murdered and the crew is drugged unconscious. Now they are stuck at sea, with no way to get help, and they must trust each other enough to find out who the murderer is and (hopefully) survive themselves. Who can they trust?
Seasick is a psychological thriller that starts with blood everywhere and then the story backs up to the beginning. Once the book takes off, it is all character development until the one-third mark when the first murder takes place. I felt this book took too long for the mystery to get going. As the storyline progressed, everything fell apart, and the overall plot felt forced. Not recommended for true mystery fans.
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